Sibelus Seraphini - How to become a better developer

Sibelus Seraphini - How to become a better developer

Author: Sibelius Seraphini
Twitter: @sseraphini (opens in a new tab)
Date: 7 de mai de 2019

Thread Topics (not in this order)

Contribute to Open Source

  • Watch repos you want to contribute
  • Answer issues
  • Contribute to docs (typos, more docs, blog posts)
  • Review pull requests
  • Create new issues
  • Send pull requests


  • Find a mentor
  • Be a mentor
  • Share knowledge
  • Help people

Build Complex Things

  • Avoid simple projects
  • Join a startup
  • Provide a full solution (backend, frontend, devops)
  • Work on production apps with real customers
  • Learn when to build a new feature or fix a bug or refactor code

Be Known

  • Share most of your work in public
  • Do not be an expert in private technologies
  • Write blog posts
  • Share on social media (twitter)
  • Discuss in public

Long Run

  • Always focus on the long run
  • Keep improving yourself
  • Keep improving your codebase
  • Always be learning

Be Proactive

  • Avoid asking what you should do next
  • Propose what we should work on
  • Always do more, deliver more
  • Code to impress

Thread Date: 10:45 AM · 7 de mai de 2019

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