React Hooks - useContext

useContext Hook - Sharing Data Between Components

useContext is a React hook that helps you share information between different parts of your app, like themes, user authentication, or any data you want to access from multiple places. It's especially handy when you don't want to pass data through lots of components manually.

OBS: To use useContext, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a Context

Think of a "context" as a container for your data. You create it using React.createContext():

const MyContext = React.createContext();

Step 2: Provide the Data

You need to put your data into the context. This usually happens at a higher level in your component tree (like in the main App component). You use a Provider to do this:

// Imagine 'theme' is some data you want to share.
const theme = 'light'; // You can replace this with your actual data.
// Wrap your components with the context provider and give it the data.
<YourContext.Provider value={theme}>
  <MyComponent />

OBS: Here, value={theme} means you're providing the theme data to any component that wants it.

Step 3: Access the Data

Now, you can use useContext to get that data inside your component. Just make sure to import it:

import React, { useContext } from 'react';
function MyComponent() {
  // Use useContext with the context you created (MyContext in this case).
  const theme = useContext(MyContext);
  return (
      <p>Current Theme: {theme}</p>

OBS: useContext(MyContext) is like saying, "Give me the data from the MyContext container."

That's it! MyComponent can now access the theme data without needing it to be passed down as props through multiple components.

This is super useful when you have data that many parts of your app need, and it keeps your code clean and easy to manage.