I Built A $1M App In 5 Hours

Who is the creator

Source Video: I Built A $1M App In 5 Hours (opens in a new tab) DawsonBotsford (opens in a new tab)


earnifi - Notifies users of asset airdrops on the Ethereum network

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Stuff that I learned from the video

1. Get into coding for fun

Start coding as a hobby and enjoy the process.

2. Do hackathons:

  • Solve real problems: Address actual issues in the community.
  • Ship a product fast: Launch quickly and gain market traction.
  • Connect with the community: Network and meet people with similar interests.
  • Use to come up with the idea:
    • Scratch from your own itch: Solve problems that you personally face.
    • Take your time to ideate: Brainstorm and refine your ideas.
    • Build a solution that you need: Create a product that you would use yourself.

3. Marketing ideas:

  • Build in public: Share new updates and developments on Twitter with your audience.
  • Use small video demos: Showcase the product in action and tease potential users.
  • Focus on community and shareable feelings: Engage with your community and create shareable content.
  • Antispam strategy: Implement transactional emails and newsletter content.
  • Build trust with your users: Establish a trustworthy relationship with your audience.
  • Focus less on paid ads and more on referrals.

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4. Growth Channels:

  • Communicate directly with your consumer: Engage in direct communication with your users.
  • Less competition:
    • Less is more: Focus on quality over quantity.
    • Do one thing but do it well.