Yan Fernandes

About Me

Hey! My name is Yan, I'm 20 years old, and I work as a Full Stack Engineer. I have a deep love for learning new things and enjoy sharing my knowledge with others. imga

My career journey began as a freelance designer, but I've always had a passion for coding, which led me to dive deeper into it. I was born in a quiet town called Jequié in Bahia, but now I live in Salvador, the first capital of Brazil. I'm currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering at UCSAL (Universidade Católica de Salvador) and working as a Full Stack Engineer for a Bitcoin-powered company.

Today, I consider myself a generalist with a strong interest in Web 3 and blockchain, fields I believe represent the future of innovation. I'm constantly learning and exploring new possibilities, driven by the belief that technology can create a better future.

About This Site

Welcome to my digital palace.

Here, I store notes, ideas, inspirations, thoughts, and meditations, mostly about engineering and development. This project was created with the purpose of having a place to practice building in public, something I've always found challenging and was hesitant to start.

In the Zettelkasten (opens in a new tab), I keep my notes on what I’ve been studying — it's my official note repository, I write them as .md files using Obsidian or directly on the website.

On the Blog (opens in a new tab), I share thoughts or things I believe others should know, or simply express my opinions on certain themes, mostly about programming and engineering.

I also write articles on Dev.to; if you'd like to take a look, click here (opens in a new tab). There, I tend to share topics in a more technical and detailed manner.

P.S.: The notes are primarily in Portuguese but are mostly converted into English. I'm still working on translating them all and implementing i18n and different routes.

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